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Old February 14, 2012, 04:25 PM   #30
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Join Date: August 30, 2010
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Have any idea how many people pay good money to have markings removed from replicas? It makes a difference to people who do historical reinactments.. and they pay for accuracy. Uberti has their market sewn up. Pietta could obtain the market with a simple change of location of their stamps.
My advice would be to contact Pietta.

This is the route some of us did with Pedersoli recently with their acquisition of the Euroarms line of BP longarms, and it has made a difference. Rather than continue the perpetuation of the 4th generation P1853 that the Parker Hales were based off of, Pedersoli is re-tooling the arm to (more) correctly follow the 3rd generation P53s that were actually common during the Civil War. All it took were some persistent, friendly emails.

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