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Old April 10, 2011, 12:40 AM   #32
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Join Date: July 28, 2007
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If I were in management at Hornady, I'd fly a black stealth chopper to your house and drop a Delta team in there and steal your camera, computer and put duct-tape over your mouth!

Either that, or I'd bust my hump trying to figure out HOW that brass got out... and I'd print out your entire post and I'd print out those pictures, blow them up nice and large on glossy photo paper and I'd address the whole company staff with all of it, making big posters to hang in the facility as a prime example of what NOT to do and how the word can spread.

Hornady would be off their rocker if they didn't respond to your comments and pictures.

I would leave Midway completely out of it, except to tell Hornady how you got the brass. Midway has no more to do with it than the USPS does for delivering the Priority Mail box to your house that contained it.

Asking too much? Heck no, not in the slightest. That's crap brass.

I can't say "A-Merc" as easily as you dropped it earlier in the thread, but it's not Hornady quality.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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