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Old February 22, 2011, 10:25 PM   #1
Shane Tuttle
Join Date: November 28, 2005
Location: Montana
Posts: 9,445
So, What's the Big Deal With Stainless Media?

As the title states, what's the big deal with stainless media? I know it seems to clean better. But I have reservations...

1. What's the cost in using it compared to walnut and corn?
2. Is the extra weight an issue when tumbling?
3. Using a harder metal to "clean/polish" a softer metal really strikes me as odd and unsafe. Doesn't it wear on the brass?
4. Do you use polish agent with it just as you would with walnut/corn?
5. How long does it last?
If it were up to me, the word "got" would be deleted from the English language.

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