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Old October 30, 2000, 12:34 AM   #1
Nevada Fitch
Senior Member
Join Date: October 21, 2000
Posts: 261
MY family and I were had been on the road all day and we were tired.It had been dark for about an hour.We stopped at the edge of a large city to get a motel.After getting the key we drove around back.The lightng was bad.I did not like the looks of things and thought about getting my money back but we were tired of traveling.Before I got out I took my lightweight commander it was in condition 3 and put in in my waistband.I put 2 extra clips in my back pocket.I had a long shirt that covered all of this.We got out and started getting luggage out of the back of the old Blazer I was driving.About this time a man starts his car and pulls out in front of us and stops.His window is down and he speaks fairly loud and tells me to come over there.He is about 20 feet away.well we really had no place to go, there was a wall and fence behind our Blazer.My wife and kids were on the other side of the Blazer from me.Then he starts talking very low I cannot hear him.I sorta scan the area for fear he might not be alone.Then he tries to get me to come over to his car again.I said what do you want?He starts talking real low again.At this point I have never seen his hands.I had my hand on my shirt tail so I could draw my gun real quick.He must have picked up on that because he yelled about that time "dont shoot me man!" so I said "well what do you want" He started talking real low again.By This time my wife is really scared and Screams out real loud."Get the He** out of here!" This startles me and I make a violent grab for my gun,Knowing full well it is in Condition 3 and I will have to rack the slide,which I had practiced a lot and knew I could do quite fast.This combination of scream from my wife and seeing me go for my gun startles this man and he shoots the gas to his car which is still in drive.All of this happens very quick but I did not complete my draw, I stopped short of pulling it all of the way out.After about 20 feet he stops again.By this time he knows I am carrying for sure.At this point he holds up a gold chain, this is the first time I have seen his hands.My wife screams again we don't want anything you got.I told him to have a nice day.He drove off slowly watching me all of the time.I believe he had a lot more on his mind than selling me a gold chain.I hate to guess what might have happened if I had walked over to that car.I believe he meant to get a hold of me or pull a gun on me at very close range after getting me over to his car.His car was positioned for a quick exit out of there also.I was very glad I was Armed that night.I did not call the police.What is also strange is I never saw anyone around while this was happening.But a few mintes later I seen several people walking around.We had lugage scattered out behind the Blazer and I think I had even locked the doors already except for the tailgate.What could I have done different and what do you think his real motive was?
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