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Old November 16, 2009, 12:09 AM   #46
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Bill, at this point I would say that there are not any inexpensive LED spots that can compete with the re-charge hand held incandescent spots you can buy at most stores. These usually run a 55W bulb.

Now going higher in price to about $100 you can get a Mag Charger. That is nothing like the normal Mag light. It runs on re-charge batteries and has about 500 lumen's. Run times are good at about 1 hour. The bulb is about 20Watts. Very good distance spot.

Best I know it takes about $150 to get an LED flashlight that runs about 400 Lumen's with good distance.

That's a niche that LED's have not filled.

Then even higher you get into HID with 3000 lumen's but they cost like you know what.

Best bet for the money. Get a low cost million candle power spot with a back-up battery. This could give you about an hour of run time. More for on-off use.
Here is a typical spot. You can find similar brands at Wal-Mart, Target, etc.

PS: I have seen some as low price as $15.

Last edited by madmag; November 16, 2009 at 12:37 AM.
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