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Old August 20, 2009, 08:58 PM   #158
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Join Date: March 2, 2009
Location: Orlando
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As long as what you are doing is legal, safe, and reasonable I wouldn't worry about the neighbor. In Florida there aren't any state laws that prevent shooting anywhere on your own property. You just have to make sure you are on your property and your bullets stay on the property. There is a county noise ordinance here that stipulates you must be 300 feet from a residence. If you are within your property line but standing within inches of your neighbor's property as long as your neighbor's house is 300 feet away you can discharge your firearm without issue. In fact, the law is only in regards to multiple discharges. Thus, you may do a single discharge on your property even if it is within 300 feet of your neighbor's house. This after all is a noise ordinance nothing more. If your bullet leaves your property then you are a goner if they can prove it. Anyhow, just be safe and reasonable. No sense in pissin' off the neighbors but I wouldn't give up my rights just to please everyone either if they didn't have reasonable cause. The above is for unincorporated parts of the county and do not apply to city limits.
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