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Old June 28, 2009, 08:45 PM   #730
Join Date: June 8, 2008
Posts: 4,022
In cases where deadly force is a legal option, the civilian is not necessarily obligated to try other alternative "tools", nor must he exhaust all over possible solutions before using a firearm.
He may not use deadly force unless he believes it necessary (using North Carolina rules here fore purposes of discussion). How can it be necessary if there are other alternatives?

Now, if you are opining that he need not try a crossbow before using a gun, I agree.

When someone is kicking down your front door, the gun is most likely NOT going to be your "tool of last resort".
I'm afraid I have difficulty coming up with anything likely to prove effective that might be reasonably tried before using deadly force under that circumstance.

But if there is something you can think of that would suffice, that would mean that you do not believe that the use of deadly force was at that time necessary, wouldn't it?

And if a person did not actually believe deadly force to be necessary, what makes you think that is would be lawful?

Yes, I think that is someone is kicking down my front door and that if he should beginning to get inside, my gun would be my tool of last resort, but I know of no other to try first.
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