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Old April 17, 2009, 06:28 AM   #12
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Join Date: January 29, 2005
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No moves or strategies that I learned from years of wrestling and doing MMA wih buddies helped.
Wrestling is a ground fighting game, the last place you want to be in a street fight is on the deck!

Your wanting to punch as apposed to grip is a natural instinct, not a bad one, for once you grip a person with your hands, you are anchored in one spot, not good either, especially if there is more than one aggressor set against you.

Just about the only factor that gives the ability to win fights, is to be in a bunch of them!
Not really a good thing in this day and age of political correctness.

From 1960 till 1965 I worked on the doors of Night Clubs in Liverpool UK, part time, three nights a week, coupled with a full time day job meant that injury time was not going to be paid for, also would curb the other full time occupation, full time Dad.

The first and only really important lesson, one that you were not able to jump to, you only have any kind of edge in a fight, if you start it!

Dan, you were lucky, the person who attacked you from behind could not fight either! Otherwise you would have been hit with a weapon of some kind, or stabbed. Think of the location, your mind set, what you remember of the little tells that led into this incident, floating along in what Uncle Jeff described as condition white can be dangerous to your health.

Your comment on 4 lbs of gun bits is quite true, TruGlow night sights, smooth trigger, and a near automatic draw when required doesn't weigh much though.
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