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Old March 11, 2009, 10:00 PM   #2
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Join Date: July 28, 2007
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I can't comment on the quality of the rounds produced as I haven't done it or seen the product.

I think, if it's like 1950, it's one heckuva cool thing to have. As a relic or for goofing with today, or a conversation piece, pretty neat.

As a serious device to make your own ammo, I think they are beyond insane.

And you have to pound it with a mallet. Every time someone reminisces about when they were younger and used one, they always get a chuckle out of the primers that exploded on them and nearly made them fill their drawers.

If it's all about saving money and reloading on a shoe string budget, I say go with a Lee hand press or even their cheapest "c" frame bench mounted press. But a killer press in the Lee Classic Cast is like $80. Carbide die sets for $25-$30 each.

I really think anyone who wants to get in to reloading needs to avoid this relic. It's going too far back to basics.
Attention Brass rats and other reloaders: I really need .327 Federal Magnum brass, no lot size too small. Tell me what caliber you need and I'll see what I have to swap. PM me and we'll discuss.
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