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Old September 6, 2008, 10:06 PM   #7
Join Date: December 24, 2006
Posts: 55
Yeah, I figured 200 yards with a .223 is a cake walk. I saw a video on YouTube of a guy shooting a similar set up at ~860 yards. You can actually see the bullet's tragectory.

I've heard of Exbal before but haven't looked into it yet. I spent some time tonight making my own "Sniper's Data Card" basically to keep track of my range sessions.

It sounds like I'll need a decent range finder. Even if it doesn't measure angles, I can always use good ol' trig and geometry. I also want to practice reading the wind through heat mirage. I have some idea of what I should be looking for but unfortunately the mirages you see through the spotting scope don't have the solid black lines like they show in the books!
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