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Old August 13, 2008, 01:07 AM   #35
Join Date: June 21, 2008
Posts: 24

Congratulations on the "pretty" and "smart" (or was it "pretty smart") grandkids!

So I have another "reloading" question...

As I work over shotguns (or rifles or pistols), particularly "acquisitions" with which I am not previously familiar, I like to put a couple of "extra heavy" rounds through them and check the chamber/barrel for signs of "bulging" or "expansion" when done. To do this, I typically set them off remotely or, if I'm 99.44% sure that everything is sound, from a "hip shot." I just don't like to put something "unstressed" up next to my face on the first few shots.

With black powder, the "rule of thumb" is a "double charge" with cartridge loads, if you follow the "British Method," you take a "heavy" albeit "within the normal range" load and grease the casing to stress the action...

Does anybody out there know of a resource for the loadings one might use to "proof" shotguns? Obviously, one could "go off the charts" on a normal reloading process; however, the relationship between powder, shot, velocity, and pressures is not always "linear."

If you happen to extrapolate from a realtively "flat" part of the charge curve past a deflection point, pressure could climb exponentially (and catastrophically). So, rather than re-invent the wheel (or pick up pieces of my shotgun from down range), does anyone have a source for such loadings?

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