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Old August 4, 2008, 05:33 PM   #128
David Armstrong
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Join Date: January 24, 2005
Location: SW Louisiana
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What part of common sense do you not understand?
I think I undersatnd all parts of it fairly well. I also understand that common sense in not common, nor does it always make sense.
It is obvious by the actions of the LAPD officer that the selection process is not making it!
Nonsense. That an officer gets drunk and acts crazy after 18 months on the job has nothing to do with the selection process.
Why do you feel the need to make a smart aleck comment about MY role in the LAPD process? Again, use some common sense.
Yes, let's use some common sense. If you are going to claim that the selection process is not making it, it seems common sense would be that you know somethign about the selection process. At this point I must assume that you have no idea what you were talking about.
Do you think a guy like that has any business wearing the uniform of a police officer?
Not now, but that has nothing to do with the selection process for LAPD, which is rather rigorous, BTW.
What does a guy from SW Louisiana know about the LAPD selection process that I don't.
Apparently quite a bit!
I don't have to be a pro football player to know a touchdown do I?
No, you don't. However, knowing what a touchdown is has nothing to do with knowing anything about how the players are selected, does it?

I am suggesting that the level of lethal force should not be dictated because some innocent person doesn't follow to the letter to your every command just because it hurts your ego.
You keep missing this for some reason--the level of force is NOT dictated based on not following orders. Not following orders is one part of the overall situation, a part that tends to increase the likelihood of force and the level of force.
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