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Old May 30, 2008, 07:33 AM   #29
Join Date: November 29, 2006
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 51
Great discussion topic... happens all the time! Had one of these happen at a local movie rental place a few weeks ago (not to me, of course). There were 2 BGs, one entered front seat, and the other the rear seat. Made the driver drive around to several ATMs and withdraw money. The victims somehow exited the vehicle and ran at some point.

I like 2 of the solutions offered here:
1) Exit ASAP
2) Gas/Brake combo, then exit ASAP

Several mentioned throwing car in reverse and/or park. Ever try that??? Modern transmissions are designed to ignore such measures, for the safety of the driver. Too many movies... I guess!!!???

The last option, if even possible, would be to covertly draw and shoot the perp. When I drive through an ATM, I always tuck my pistol under my left thigh, along with my wallet and the money I withdraw. The thing I noticed is that the bank exit leads you to a dead stop at a signal light within 200 feet of the exit. Nice design, huh? If I were a perp, that setup makes for easy pickings. That's why I move my weapon, from IWB to under my thigh, before I enter the bank drive-through. As I complete my transaction, I reach from ATM to thigh several times. If something ever happened - my P-3AT would be in hand in less than a second.
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