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Old November 9, 2007, 12:54 PM   #1
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Mandatory Training for CCW

I dont want to get into the legal questions on this, but the practical and moral questions...

This is prompted by a PM I got wherein this quote was derived:

"Most gun owners don't want mandatory instruction because it infringes on their personal freedoms (as per postings on the forums), but fail to see the potential benefits of such instruction in light of the fact that they often don't seek out instruction themselves."

In light of the tactical inanity we see day in and day out...why would responsible ccws or indeed any gun owner oppose mandatory traing.....

Take this scenario...X state passes a law that says (and lets not get in to the nitty gritty of all the different leagl nit pickies, its off the top of my head)

"In order to promote safety and responsible firearms ownership, all persons who own firearms shall take a complete a training course, which course shall be either sponsored by or certified bu the NRA..."

On Moral grounds, why would you object to that?

On practical grounds, why would you object to that?

Hopefully the tinfoil will be kept to a minimum

WildfaceitsomefolksarecluelessAlaska ™
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