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Old October 4, 2007, 09:51 AM   #171
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Join Date: March 21, 2006
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Not really. You can always escalate your response if needed. Going along because that is best at Point A in the encounter does not mean you have to go along with everything at all points. Deciding not to take action at one point doesn't mean you never can take action in the future.
Gee, sounds like what I have been saying.

Also, many states shield you from civil action if your shooting is justified.

Yes, some do. But a lot more don't. And of course you do have to show it is justified.

If it is clearly justified, there won't even be a trial so the implication that if you shoot someone you will incur huge legal expenses isn't accurate.

That is a very questionable statement. There have been a whole lot of trials where the shooting was clearly justified; and you also don't have to have a trial to run up lots of expenses.
Depends on the state. In AZ, the state has to prove the shooting was not justified, not vice versa. While in some cases that may mean there is a trial, in clear cut cases there will not. Which is why I always advocate:
Know your state's laws!
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