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Old October 3, 2007, 06:38 PM   #159
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Join Date: March 21, 2006
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If you want to go through life letting people get away with violent crime, that is your perogative. For myself, I believe that stance is wrong. In my opinion, those who allow people to get away with such crimes aren't much better than the offenders themselves.
This is a real dangerous philosophy. It is not up to you to decide who should live or die. Nor is it up to you to decide who gets away with what. The only thing that is up to you is when you feel you are in danger of serious bodily injury or death. Then you are justified in using lethal force. To make this philosphy part of your personal doctrine is asking for trouble.

But by taking action you might be creating more problems for yourself and your family. Is it really worth $20,000 in legal fees, or your family losing their home, or other assorted indignities just to keep what is in you wallet?
By not taking action you are leaving yourself at the mercy of the criminal's whim. Also, many states shield you from civil action if your shooting is justified. If it is clearly justified, there won't even be a trial so the implication that if you shoot someone you will incur huge legal expenses isn't accurate.

The question is if one should make that decision based on accurate information and facts and as full an understanding of the reality of the event as is possible or if one should base that decision on wild fantasies and fictions.
Having a gun or knife pointed at you is hardly fantasy and fiction. If you feel you are in danger of serious injury or death, you should shoot.
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