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Old October 3, 2007, 03:38 PM   #154
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Join Date: September 14, 2007
Location: Englewood, CO
Posts: 618
If someone is trying to steal from me by a confrontation or assault me or attack me physically, whether it be armed or not armed...they deserve to get shot. No crux in my mind. It is allowed by law, and I am glad. I don't care if it is for my wallet, or just to attack me. I will not stand for it. It is black & white. Live & let live. If they don't let me go on with my peacefull self, then they don't deserve to go on with their evil self either.

Besides, many times...small things such as theft by assault can lead to many other things like rape and murder. You never know who you may be saving along the trail in the future of the assailant.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather deal with the post trauma of shooting someone than allowing them to go through with it without a fight and perhaps raping someone, killing someone or beating up someone's grandma for her social security check later. If you let a dog eat off the table, sooner than later he will be sitting on the chair next to you eating off of your plate.

I wouldn't shoot to kill, but if I didn't do something to cause the person to think twice before attacking someone else, then I would feel partially at fault for anyone they may hurt in the future. Would you not?
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