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Old October 2, 2007, 10:39 AM   #90
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Join Date: April 4, 2005
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John, i may have not have been very clear with some of my posts, and that may be a source of our confusion. I didnt intend my gunstore argument as a last ditch offence intended to save my original argument, i honestly believe that anyone who robs them knows what there up against and prepares for it.

I came off like i always oc, which i dont, I also know when it is appropriate to cc, like when i go to church, or the bank, or one of my left winger families houses.

What it comes down to is that honestly the truth regarding oc is somewere in the middle. OC'ers and Cc'ers are both right and wrong in there stances.
OC'ers believe that oc is a great deterent to crime, when the truth is its probably less then 75% effective(my guess, i have no way to confirm this), becuase despite the visable deterent that would disswade criminals of lesser constitution, it wont hinder the hardened carreer criminals at all. CC'ers correctly say that there method hides it from view and gives them the ability to decide where and when and if they respond with a gun, that the slower draw speed is made up with the tactical advantage of the hidden gun. But there have been instances of people who have Concealed weapons, and needed them but were unable to draw them intime to save themselvs.

So ya, as i said, its a comprimise, and one needs to choose which comprimise that fit the given situation that he is packing for that day. The truth of the matter is lies in the middle, both are right and both are wrong. Either way, were all on the same side, and John despite our disagree ment, i still respect you as a poster here, your opinions and knowldge are valuable. I hope we can still be Internet friends(LOL)
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