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Old August 19, 2007, 12:41 PM   #13
Join Date: June 11, 2007
Location: Midwest
Posts: 71
A couple things: for your first couple times you can give the range your thinking about shooting at a call, find out how busy they are and try to go during a slower time with few shooters. This way you can get a good idea of what the rules are and a little more attention from other shooters or people that work their. Most places I've been to, the people were more then happy to help and answer your questions. Of course there are always people that will try and make you feel ignorant or inferior. Don't worry about those people, I get this type of crap a lot because I'm a bit younger then most at the range.

Another thing, if you choose to shoot a lot indoors you need to think about lead contamination. Anything in that room will end up with lead residue. Your range bag, clothes, skin, etc. Wash up and change your cloths after shooting indoors, and keep your range bag somewhere away from your clean clothes, food, water, children and animals.

The amount of lead from one or two trips is minimal, but if you have people who shoot multiple times a week at indoor ranges for extended periods of time and don't take precautions to limit exposure, well you can see where some problems might arise. Good luck friend, happy shooting.
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