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Old February 15, 2006, 09:11 PM   #36
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Join Date: April 3, 2005
Location: Rochester, New York
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303britt: Thanks for the agreement. I have heard ALL the discussions about pump vs auto, most have complaints about auto's not functioning, especially when dirty,, DUH!! You want to trust your life to a dirty gun..even a pump the argument is pointless and basically dumb. I have owned MANY auto's and never had one ever fail to function if kept even "reasonably" clean. I shoot many thousands of shots in competition every year and use an auto most of the time. I read a post that a pump can fire faster than an auto, well I have $100.00 bucks I will bet that I can shoot my auto a lot faster at a target and hit it.
I can't see any problem with 3 shots in a gun, unless you are completly incompetent and the worlds worst shooter. 3 is probably 2 more than you should need. I read about "running gun battles" and the need for 25 to 30 rounds of ammo.. that is movie stuff, not real life. I cannot immagine a bad guy(s) wanting to engage in this, at least not in the usual breakin situation. In fact, most of them want to be sure you are NOT at home and will flee if discovered. For example, when was the last time you heard about a homeowner firing 10 shots or more to defuse a situation. It happens in movies "where bullets make sparks" and is not an everyday occurance. Out of the millions of people that have guns, how many have ever been robbed, broken into when they were home and of those, how many fired more than one shot. Being prepared makes sense, being Rambo is simply macho fantacy based on no facts whatever.
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