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Old December 17, 1998, 10:13 AM   #3
Staff Alumnus
Join Date: October 12, 1998
Location: Missouri
Posts: 1,992
Contender is correct in all regards. The only point I would add is that if it is possible, find someone who is already an experienced reloader and join in on a reloading session or four with them. Ask questions. Watch how they work. Observe their work habits. Do they keep their bench orderly? Are they rushing through each job? Do they QC their loadings on a regular basis? My experience has found that generally someone who is careless about one part of reloading is careless about all of it. That is not the person you want to learn from. Book learning is great but real world experience can't be beat. That said get at least a couple more reloading manuals as no one manual will have every load that you're probably looking for and it never hurts to have a second opinion on anything-especially on something that can do some REAL damage to your body if it KBs. Plus most manuals use different components and even different testing procedures! So the apparently same loading from two different sources could have two different results.
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