View Full Version : I just got a UbertiSchofield .45 7 inch. Can you shoot any kind of .45 Long in those?
February 18, 2006, 01:27 PM
My dad already has a Uberti .45 SAA Cimmeron. He has shot several .45 Winchesters in additon to the "cowboy" ammo that he typically shoots. Can the Schofield handle modern .45 Longs? In short, can the gun handle any kind of .45 LC as the stamp on the barrel indicates. In other words, can you shoot the same .45 longs from a Mountain Gun in a Schofield
For that matter, can it handle .44 Special? I just dropped 6 into the cylinder and they fit. Won't get good accuracy as the diameter isn't quite enough. But somehow I have a feeling that the pressure for a .44 special is a tad too high
Can't wait to shoot it.
February 18, 2006, 03:38 PM
You remember this:YOU ARE DEALING WITH A TOP BREAK ACTION THAT WAS DESIGNED FOR BLACK POWDER PRESSURES and it matters not if it is now made of modern steel.
There is NO such thing as 45LONG not 45LONGCOLT, nor any other designation. There is one 45COLT cartridge and that is it's proper name since 1873.
You may also shoot 45S&W cartridges in your top break pistol.
You MAY NOT--NOT!!--shoot44SPECIAL cartridges in your 45COLT pistol.
You must NOT shoot any of the modern 45COLT high pressure hunting loads in your pistol. These loads come in boxes specifically stateing they are not to be used in any early guns not copies of early guns, and that most definately includes your top break SA revolver
The S&W SCHOFIELD revolvers, and the copies of it, are definately on the most-cool-gun list but if you abuse it with high pressure cartridges you will turn it into a rattling hunk of junk in short order
February 18, 2006, 03:45 PM
The Uberti will handle loads made by the big three ammunition manufacturers (Remington, Winchester, Federal) as will the S&W Mountain Gun. I would advise that you stay with the milder cowboy loads as the design of the gun is not a particularly strong one. What is absolutely cannot handle is the hot stuff loaded by Buffalo Bore and others that is intended for the extremely strong Ruger, Dan Wesson, and Freedom Arms revolvers. These loads rival the .44 Magnum and should only be used in the guns I mentioned earlier (no SAA, Schofield, Mountain Gun, New Service, etc.). A good rule to follow is this: don't shoot anything in it that you wouldn't shoot in a Colt SAA. As far as shooting .44 Specials in it, the answer is absolutely not! Don't fire anything other than .45 Colt or the shorter .45 S&W (the original chamberings of the 1875 Schofields) cartidges in it. As you probably know, the .44 Special is smaller in diameter than the .45 Colt not only in the width of the bullet but also the width of the case. Firing this cartridge in a chamber that oversize will cause the case to expand more than it should. This will result in buldged casing at best and possibly cases splitting their sides. I do not know if the .44 Special is of higher pressure than the .45 Colt or not, but I suspect that it is. The top break design of the Schofield is not as strong as the solid frame design of othe single and double action revolvers. This is why most top break revolvers are chambered for relatively low pressure rounds. Besides that, I see no reason to try it in the first place: .45 Colt is just as available if not more so than .44 Special and Cowboy loads are roughly the same price if not cheaper.
February 18, 2006, 03:51 PM
I was just reading this. This seems to indicate that the Uberti modern replica can handle modern .45Colt
Designed by Major Schofield of U.S. Army, the Schofield Revolver was an improvement and up-grade of earlier top-break Single Action revolvers produced in the line of the legendary firearms company Smith & Wesson. The United States Army contracted a total of over 5,000 Schofields with 7-1/2" barrel lengths. The caliber was .45 Schofield. This revolver represents the first real challenge on the military and civilian market to the Colt Single Action. Graceful and accurate, the Schofield revolver was the choice of many gunslingers and entrepeneurs in the Old West. Jesse James is said to have carried both the Schofield and the Colt Single Actions simultaneously. The Wells Fargo Company stocked their considerable arsenal with special 5-1/2" Schofield revolvers marked with the company logo. Now Uberti enriches its fine line of Historical Reproduction Firearms with the classic Schofield Single Action Revolver. Faithful to the sleek and graceful lines of the original, the Uberti Top Breack is strengthened and improved with modern steels and technology, enabling the chambering of modern smokeless cartridges in .44/40 and .45LC. (emphasis added)
February 18, 2006, 03:58 PM
My modern, I think they mean this
Not this
You may be able to use this but I wouldn't try it.
Sir William
February 18, 2006, 07:13 PM
In my opinion, no. The breaktop reproductions are well known for opening up when fired. They rap yor knuckles hard enough to draw blood. Armi San Maros-ASM are UNSAFE TO SHOOT. Uberti manufactured S&W clones are safe with CAS loads and NOT anything else. Lead cartridges, soft recoil and lower pressure cartridges only is my opinion. NO personal defense, bear or +P loads are safe to use in them.
February 19, 2006, 06:00 AM
While the Uberti Schoffield may be safe with standard SAAMI 45LC loads, I would limit myself to Cowboy loads. The topbreak design isn't known for its strength. A steady diet of standard loads would eventually wear it out. It is conceivable that a steady diet of cowboy loads would allow a very long life of shooting. The +P or "Ruger only loads" are pretty much guaranteed to blow up your revolver, possibly within the first cylinder load. Those high power loads can actually exceed some 44mag loads.
For what it's worth, cowboy loads out of a seven inch barrel are pretty respectable. Winchester lists theirs as a 250gr lead bullet from a 5" barrel at 750fps and 312f#, at the muzzle. Their Super-X load lists at 255gr, 860fps and 420f# from a 5.5" barrel at the muzzle. In comparison, their Supreme-T 45acp 230gr JHP lists at 880fps and 396f# at the muzzle from a 5" barrel.
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