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  1. Bullet Casting 101
  2. Casting Bullets for .45 ACP
  3. Lead prices---
  4. Boolit Pictures with Specifications
  5. Just cast my first bullets. What went wrong?
  6. It's great to see a casting forum; one question about lee molds
  7. Boolits in the mail
  8. pots??
  9. lyman molds
  10. Lead search :-(
  11. More first bullet problems!
  12. first casting.... failure
  13. Made my first bullets, but....
  14. Bullet Traps
  15. Some casting humor
  16. Lee sizer/lube.......
  17. Lee molds....My 2cents
  18. Lee 10lb production pot
  19. SCORE!!
  20. boolit help
  21. Boolits???
  22. Questions Gallore???????
  23. home made casting pot?
  24. Thermometer Recommendations?
  25. lead in blood: 17 count
  26. Bare bottomed 358156
  27. Questions about casting bullets for muzzleloading.
  28. Sizing tumble lubed bullets
  29. gas checks needed? and god awful lead fouling questions
  30. The Theory of Water Dropping
  31. new mold today!!
  32. Cheap lead remover
  33. using only wheel weights?
  34. dhesive backed wheel weights
  35. I've read so much its a blurr now...
  36. Does my Coleman get that hot?
  37. Melting sesion
  38. Designing your own mold
  39. What to do with stick-on ingots
  40. lube
  41. 38/9mm bullet designs that are good in both.
  42. Smelting lead question
  43. How can I re-lube some older cast bullets?
  44. shopping list to start casting?
  45. Lube/sizer heater
  46. Where do I buy beeswax?
  47. My first batch of cast bullets
  48. .32 win Sp mold anyone?
  49. Saeco lead hardness tester
  50. Used casting equipment?
  51. My 32 win SP mold arrived!
  52. 9mm Question
  53. Lead Thermometer?
  54. Which Luber-Sizer?
  55. Reclaiming Wheel Weights - Article
  56. Lee Classic Turret Press review - Article
  57. Why lube?
  58. Define Muffin Tin
  59. Leading in my barrel - using ALOX on my cast bullets
  60. Bullet casters: Need help finding load data
  61. Zinc Wheel Weights
  62. Getting into casting???
  63. Does lead corrode?
  64. good wieght for .357 loads
  65. Need mold reccomendations
  66. and now that I have cast a batch, what next?
  67. mining my lead
  68. 55000 psi 30 bnh from WW's (link)
  69. Cast my first boolits today!
  70. Lee 358-158 RF in 9MM...possible???
  71. top punch question
  72. First ingots made last night
  73. Lubing Cast bullets
  74. Casting in the winter?
  75. Don't Let the Zinc WW's Melt in with the Lead!!
  76. Cast Hollow Points
  77. mold help
  78. molds
  79. Soft nosed bullets
  80. PID controller
  81. 8x57JS Mauser Lead/Gas Check bullet recommendations
  82. Loading cast projectiles in 30-30
  83. what mould for 9mm shooting steel targets?
  84. buying lead, where is it?
  85. Brass Polish
  86. When do you give up on a Lee mold?
  87. Lee production pot temp question.
  88. Lead Question
  89. Sizers of mold blocks
  90. Zinc
  91. Lead Casting mould is too hot
  92. Lee 158gr SWC---
  93. lead casting furnace
  94. Help, can't find data.
  95. Noob.. can you help?
  96. New Lead source?
  97. Brinell Hardness
  98. pure lead?
  99. Picture of a Ingot
  100. Seating gas checks????
  101. Substitute Lube for Lee die
  102. Is the Lyman Casting Thermometer a POS
  103. .45 long colt and 45-70...
  104. need casting mold for .40/10mm for more than 185 grns?
  105. 4 cavity moulds vs. 2 cavity?
  106. liquid alox drying process?
  107. smelt?
  108. is sizing required??
  109. Never Give Up!!!
  110. What lube is your go-to lube?
  111. melting lead
  112. Casting cheap, lead-free bullets?
  113. melting lead part 2
  114. Is there a hardness vs velocity chart I can use?
  115. casting in the winter outside...
  116. Pictures of your casting setup
  117. Bullet weight consistency
  118. White Label BAC lube?????
  119. .499 LWR
  120. What brand Sizer Luber do you recommend?
  121. mass melting setups
  122. Can I recycle used lead cast bullets?
  123. Shooting metal plates with cast bullets
  124. Bullet Traps
  125. One thing lead to another......
  126. cast bullets for the .41 mag
  127. WW's for 9mm?
  128. 9mm Lyman casting blocks, and please help.
  129. Wheel weights that wouldnt melt?
  130. How much lead fouling is too much?
  131. Sizing 45 acp bullets
  132. What is your 45 acp bore diameter
  133. Tickled Pink
  134. battery terminals for casting
  135. Question on Old Lyman Mold
  136. casting my own
  137. Lead pipe for casting?
  138. removed
  139. Cracked bullet
  140. My tax season toy list... Molds
  141. My mold will not close compleetly
  142. Recovered bullets
  143. It Just Gets Worse!!!
  144. Zink wheel weights
  145. Fluxing to keep the tin from separating: really?
  146. First casts
  147. Sizing my 9mm Bullets
  148. Two questions about heat treating
  149. general questions...
  150. Mixed wheel weights?
  151. Thnk these will Shoot Cast???
  152. Liquid Alox question
  153. Lyman 450 tuneup questions
  154. Question about Lead Safety
  155. Gummy bullets with Alox
  156. Score!
  157. Newbie reloading questions
  158. Loading 230 RN Lead bullets for .45 ACP - - a Tutorial
  159. BTU
  160. Zinc Wheel Weights
  161. Looking for a 45LC mold.
  162. Why do you cast, or why dont you cast?
  163. what price linotype?
  164. 6 cavity molds turned into 5
  165. Looking for more info about cast in the 03-A3…
  166. Cast Bullets
  167. 7.62x39 cast load work-up
  168. It gets worse , then really bad !!!
  169. Casting today
  170. Casting bullets
  171. lee 36 cal conical mold for black powder
  172. Preparing new bullet casting molds
  173. Lee mold mod for .32 ACP
  174. Wad cutters for .44 mag and .45 colt.
  175. .45 acp problems
  176. I`m Sick Fellers , Need Help !!!
  177. hardening your lead
  178. 311413 range report !!
  179. Thinking of joining the Casting crowd!
  180. Problem pouring lead out of Lee furnace
  181. Modifying Lee molds to plain base
  182. Bought two tires
  183. New guy with alloy questions
  184. Cast bullet in two steps
  185. which order for cast bullets?
  186. HEe HEe HEe !!!!
  187. Thinking about casting
  188. Cheapest way to harden stick-ons
  189. ANyone Know About Bullplate Sprue Lube Ingredients?
  190. Casted my first bullets today!
  191. Looking for "ranch dog" molds in 45/70 gov.
  192. 2 Stroke Oil and Beeswax as a Lube
  193. STP Oil treatment Coupon
  194. Liquid Bullet Lubes
  195. Hot Cast Bullets!
  196. I Need Help With Carbauba as a Lube Additive.
  197. 32 spec.
  198. Coming up on one year...
  199. Hard Cast Hunting Pistol Bullets.
  200. Does Anyone Use Ivory Soap In Their Bullet Lube?
  201. Need Advice on Bullet Lube For .308 Win. Loads
  202. Free Cast Bullets Giveaway 100 Hollowpoints
  203. Bullets for Guide Gun
  204. Hold or Cold Water. The Debate Begins...
  205. 500 magnum cast questions checks
  206. Wrinkled Bullets ... Need Help.
  207. Anyone cast for 9x18 Mak?
  208. Alternate Methods/Tools to Melt lead and lead alloys???
  209. What Do You Use For Flux?
  210. First Time Caster
  211. Lead Removal
  212. die
  213. Gas check ??
  214. Opinions on casting molds?
  215. EPA and Lead (Pb)
  216. Good ALLOY for medium to large game
  217. Using POLYFIL in light loads
  218. Temperature and Thermometers
  219. Smelting pot
  220. Can I shoot check based without checks.
  221. Got cast down the tube with the vz-58!
  222. Lead Removal Hint
  223. 501-440RF lee mold boolit problems.
  224. Slow Learner
  225. A Big Gob o' Goo
  226. Some days it all just comes together...
  227. How much to start swaging?
  228. 45 Colt Boolit Lube Options
  229. Range Hat Trick
  230. How to soften linotype lead
  231. Cast Bullet Withdrawals
  232. My wheel weight supply dried up
  233. .357 boolit
  234. Water quenching
  235. shallow
  236. not happy with lee tumble lube mold
  237. Drive Band Fillout ????
  238. Casting Manuel/ Lead Source
  239. buggered mold fix
  240. Pay how much for wheel weights?
  241. 255 .45
  242. Looking into casting
  243. Gas Checks
  244. New 32's
  245. Low pressure & high velocity cast loads
  246. slugging barrell question
  247. homogenized
  248. Lubrisizer top punches for Lee molds
  249. A great way to spend a cool noon hour
  250. Purple color on top of lead in casting pot?