View Full Version : The Art of the Rifle: General

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  1. Welcome
  2. Blaser R-93 Straight pull Bolt action
  3. Spiffing up a Mini-14 Ranch rifle
  4. guidance
  5. 8mm mag necked to .30
  6. Win. M70 Action Screws, How Tight?
  7. Remington SR-8
  8. AR-15s and AK-47s
  9. .308 velocity vs barrel length
  10. Scout Concept
  11. Rem model 81
  12. .223 velocity vs barrel length data
  13. Most accurate rifle
  14. Remington Model 700 Light Tactical Rifle
  15. Accuracy Benefits
  16. sks ammo
  17. AR15 @ 1000yds
  18. Reversible bolt action
  19. AR15 Clones - Feedback requested
  20. Ideas for an M77 25-06 bull ??
  21. 7 STW: Who's shot it
  22. Bullpups
  23. AR-15 belt feed conversion
  24. Favorite .308 loads ???
  25. Is anyone in the know with Remington out there?
  26. Best Military-Surplus Bolt Rifle < $500
  27. Mausers sturdy enought for .308?
  28. Ideas wanted
  29. Aluminum Bedding block with Glass bedding ???
  30. Search for specific M1 GARAND
  31. Your favorite Rifle, Truck, Dog Combo
  32. The Scout Rifle Goes to War
  33. Nice Scout Rifle on the for sale board
  34. Info experience with MAS 49/56 ??
  35. AR-15 , Carbine or Standard
  36. SKS Purchase Advice
  37. News of the Savage Scout?
  38. Scope Question
  39. Building an AR 15
  40. Bullet weight for AR-15
  41. Armalite M4C carbine
  42. Sendra AR-15 Help
  43. It's here......;(
  44. Sights for M15A4 flattop carbine
  45. Support gear for the M15A4 carbine
  46. PWA Commando
  47. Bushmaster M 17 Bullpup
  48. Romanian Mosin Nagant or MkIII Enfield?
  49. AR vs AK?
  50. More about Scopes
  51. Marlin 45 Camp Gun
  52. Ruger 44mag. carbine semi-auto
  53. Scout optics?
  54. AR-15 Scope for 3 Gun
  55. Mauser Screw Problem
  56. M-14
  57. Blaser First Hunt Review...
  58. .300 Weatherby Magnum
  59. DISC Rifle?
  60. PreBan Rifles, honestly a good investment?
  61. My .300 Weatherby Magnum
  62. JP Sauer model 202
  63. Barrel Treatment - What's Best?
  64. AR10T for sniping
  65. lightforce scopes
  66. lightforce scopes
  67. Steyr SSG PIIK
  68. Just scoped my muzzleloader--point of impact?
  69. accurizing an AK
  70. New SKS-AK/MAK website
  71. Glock's Carbine
  72. .308 Ammo
  73. I.O.R. Valada Military Scope
  74. Spirit levels on rifle scopes
  75. Winchester .44 Mag Lever Action
  76. Draganov Rifle
  77. Pistol caliber carbine ammo choice
  78. Value of Rossi M92 in 357 Mag?
  79. Economical Rifle Tuning
  80. Snipercraft software
  81. Hard Chrome AR-15 Bolt & Carrier
  82. Leupold MK4 Ultra
  83. Post AR with Pre features
  84. Colt tactical elite rifle. comments?
  85. Colt acurize#cr6724 VS Colt tactical elite#TE6700
  86. AR-15 manufacture
  87. External Adustment 'Scopes
  88. AK episode of "Tales of the Gun"
  89. Disassembly of Norinco .223 84S
  90. SKS bayonett?
  91. Swift Scopes
  92. 7.62x39 bolt actions
  93. Norgon ambi-catch mag release
  94. Navy Seal Rifle?
  95. Left handed AR upper
  96. HK clones ready
  97. Armalite AR-10
  98. Source for M-14 mags?
  99. HELP!!! AN-PVS-4 (night vision scope)
  100. Varmit Barrel fro my 300 Win Mag
  101. y2k urban rifle choice
  102. Gunsmiths
  103. ruger 10/22 magnum
  105. What Caliber?
  106. Details on Aforementioned SEAL Rifle
  107. What kind of rifle do I have?
  108. Pistol Caliber Carbines: my opinion
  109. Steyr Scout Tactical
  110. New (old) rifle - MAS 49/56?
  111. 338-378 Weatherby Magnum
  112. Any one shoot LR BPCR
  113. My favorite RBD long arm
  114. San Francisco Bay area: Jim Crew's classes
  115. Styer Scout, is it worth the $$$?
  116. Fluted barrel vs. Non-fluted on the new Rem700 PSS?
  117. Long range Cartridge
  118. Mini-14 or Mini-30
  119. SKS - slamfires and other stuff
  120. No-gunsmith scope mounts for Swede Mausers?
  121. Mini-30 : Pros & Cons
  122. Sauer 202
  123. McMillan Optics? Anybody used ? Comments?
  124. LR BPCR shooting
  125. scopes
  126. Armalite - any good?
  127. Looking for a DEPENDABLE large caliber semi
  128. Eagle International Magazines
  129. Ruger Mini Thirty
  130. ammo compatibilitity
  131. Rifling
  132. Savage Scout
  133. Mauser Pull Bolt
  134. 357 or 30-30?
  135. alex imports
  136. Two items:10/22 barrel band, 788 in .44 magnum
  137. Most accurate rifle under $600???
  138. SKS vs MAS 49/56
  139. Steyr Scout--why is it so expensive
  140. Day at the Range
  141. AR-15 newby - Looking for Wisdom
  142. HK 91 vs. FN/FAL
  143. 9mm Calico
  144. OLY .45 ACP AR-15 UPPER ANY GOOD???
  145. I got my Mini-thirty.....
  146. savage striker
  147. M-1 carbine
  148. Best types to learn? AR/MP5/AUG/FAL/AK/etc.
  149. AR15 storage
  150. Unknown Rifle
  151. Anyone ever heard of this rifle?
  152. 1/2 MOA
  153. loose groups with 168gr match hpbt
  154. What rifle do you suggest?
  155. Wildcat 338-06
  156. Need help with MAK-90 value
  157. Steyr SBS Pro-Hunter
  158. Need SKS ID
  159. One of the Best Sites for Pictures of Military Weapons....
  160. Rem 700 Light Tactical
  161. Aftermarket Carbon Barrels
  162. Best scope or optic for AR's
  163. Heavy barrel Ruger 10/22
  164. SKS/AK-MAK website operational again!
  165. Two stage trigger for AR15
  166. Shot Show--Savage Scout
  167. Blaser R93 CISM
  168. Kids first hunting rifle
  169. Spare magazine springs for M-14?
  170. Free floatin a barrell
  171. DR200
  172. To Build or Not to Build, AR-15
  173. Sighting in scope
  174. Please suggest a low-magnification scope for 10//2 and Mini14
  175. 7.62x54 ammo
  176. Savage: serviceable or jsut plain cheap
  177. Best Wishes to Moderator Mykl
  178. New h&K Carbines..
  179. Ideal Sniper rifle
  180. Colt Bolts
  181. Pre-ban AKs Value?
  182. Year 2000 Rifle Suggestions? Help!?
  183. Muzzle brake/Flash hider, for Mini-14, 10/22
  184. Steyr Scout
  185. 7.62x54 Tracer Ammo
  186. Breakin in a new barrell
  187. HK SL-7
  188. Daewoo rifles
  189. Pre-ban SAR-4800 value?
  190. Russian .223
  191. Air Rifles for a Summer Evening?
  192. FAL / L1A1 Info
  193. AR-15 .22 conversiion kit x-tra mag.
  194. Shot Show - Steyr Mountain Rifle info?
  195. SA93
  196. Looking for Mags for the FNC
  197. .308 short range training ammo
  198. Follow-up on sighting in Mini-14
  199. Hooded NM rear sight apertures for AR15
  200. Will FAL Bolt Hold-Open Work/Fit on L1A1?
  201. Definition of "Group"
  202. Shepherd Scopes?
  203. Poly Tech AK
  204. Utility Scouts--Ashley Outdoors Conversion Kits
  205. HArd Chrome AKs..
  206. L1A1 Bolt Hold-Open experience (from my ?? below)
  207. Federal Arms HK91 Clone
  208. Ruger 10/22: suggestions for making more accurate
  209. SKS-AK/MAK site is working (I promise this time)
  210. Rossi Model 92, stainless, any good?
  211. CAI Sporter Buttstock Question
  212. Dakota Arms Longbow?
  213. H&K SR9 info ?
  214. SKS aftermarket mags feeding reliability
  215. Opinions for .22 Rimfire semi-auto and ammo
  216. AR Scopes
  217. How much does an Uzi go for?
  218. Enfield Barrels
  219. Heavy barrel for 10/22
  220. Polytech M-14
  221. New HK rifles?
  222. PMC or African 223 Good? Bad? Anybody Know?
  223. Kimmel AP-9 Carbine
  224. FAL Sportster .308
  225. Looking for info on French Military Rifle : Repost from general post board
  227. Tactical Shooter magazine
  228. Ideal 7.62 / .308 rifle?
  229. Sighting in Mini14...and other matters
  230. Mini 14 vs AR 15
  231. Can't hit broad side of a barn with a 100-round burst from a 50BMG!
  232. New Military Cartridge !!!!
  233. Break in new barrel with moly
  234. Factory .308 Lite Loads
  235. Opinions needed for the Steyr AUG
  236. Savage 10FP 308WIN - initial range results -moly break in
  237. Savage Scout
  238. Prices of FR-8s
  239. McMillen Tactical, Dakota, & Reloading
  240. A devious plan to corrupt innocent children
  241. Flush Mounted Swivels
  242. Ruger 10/22 MAGNUM
  243. Where can I get magazines for Marlin 80dl (.22)?
  244. AR-15 A2 Post ban
  245. Suggestions for gen. purpose bolt action .308
  246. 10/22 bull barrel life expectancy
  247. Remington-made P17 Enfield (.303 British)
  248. 7mm Mag. How will it stack up ?
  249. mini-14 or SKS?
  250. Lever action accuracy