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  1. True stories wanted
  2. Lawyer
  3. Ok...Where is every body from!
  4. Real names vs. "Handles"
  5. Online Gun and Knife Show Schedules?
  6. You've just shot someone - What do you do now ?
  7. And the Winner Of Last Week's Contest is:
  8. You know your a gun nut if.....
  9. Search for specific M1
  10. Where From
  11. caseless ammunition
  12. John Woo Movies
  13. You're not REALLY a gun nut if....
  14. Motorcylces....
  15. Common Sense Quotes & Truisms
  16. Reports from the range...
  17. time to get organized for xmas!
  18. Election 98
  19. AP rounds
  22. ALL I want for Christmas is.....
  23. Gunsmiths on forum?
  24. Movies with gun mistakes
  25. Armistice Day - Veterans Day
  26. Contest Results
  27. "SafetyOn" Software...
  28. .400 Corbon dies
  29. Public Rifle Range
  30. Would you shoot mint 45 auto Remington-Rand?
  31. Fajen is up for Auction
  32. Tom Brown
  33. Wheelchair guy still pro-gun...
  34. Wow, didn't know this was here! Greetings!
  35. Gun Truths
  36. Down with UPS
  37. The funny little yellow faces...
  38. Checking in.
  39. request for info on college credit for firearms classes
  40. Movies & guns
  41. Those annoying passwords in the reg. email....
  42. Test
  43. Problems with Black Powder revolver`
  44. A list of every Gun and Knife dealer in the US!
  45. Range plans
  46. Info. about .45 Super
  47. gun kits
  48. S&W New Chief Special
  49. End times near?
  50. Gun Industry jobs
  51. Bill Gates
  52. Officer Involved Shooting
  53. football?
  54. WARNING: Guns & Ammo PC Game is a RIP-OFF
  55. Xmas decoration for Gun enthusiast
  56. Pearl Harbor Day
  57. Responses to rabid anti-hunters
  58. "Mainstream" ??
  59. WHY poor quality and service?!?
  60. Home Security
  61. Plants Rights
  62. Got this from The White House today
  63. Latinisms
  64. Newer T/C Barrels
  65. PC Terminology ??
  66. First Gun You Ever Shot?
  67. Hip-shooting at a Zero??!
  68. Opinions on Rainbow-6
  69. To Shoot or Not to Shoot.....
  70. Guns in the house with Kids...
  71. AA fire in Baghdad...
  72. Who's gettin or giving a gun for Xmas?
  73. Has Highway Stop Procedure Changed?
  74. What kind of grips?
  75. Gang Initiation
  76. Flattened Primer
  77. Range Reports II
  78. On deadly Sound...
  79. Shotgun Charity Event in Ohio
  80. test and what knife do you carry
  81. Gripscrew Bushings
  82. Political Correct Graffiti
  83. Merry Christmas
  84. Gun Museums
  85. 12 hours into it and....
  86. Rugers site
  87. Home defense: Shotgun or revolver?
  88. Firearms Tactical Institute?
  89. Passwords
  90. Hey Plainsman!
  91. NORINCO; do they still exist??
  92. What happened to knifeforums.com?
  94. Great Resource!
  95. Tasco ProPoint: Rings = Garbage?
  96. Happy New Year
  98. expiring ammo
  100. Ruger P89 opinions
  101. Scopes for AR-15's
  102. Barrel Length and Velocity
  103. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!
  104. Stupity (Dum things you have seen)
  105. 7mm-08 Opinions
  106. Colt Cowboy Revolver
  107. Advice on Airgun and/or .22 cal handguns
  108. Knob Creek
  109. Ballistic Software
  110. Happy Holidays (a little late)
  111. Good priced .22 target pistol
  112. Magazines - the kinds we read
  113. Who still shoots airguns?
  114. TFL/BF Lunch at SHOT Show
  115. Vector Arms?
  116. Gunsmith time
  117. Poetry in motion
  118. Ruger 10/22 Modifications
  119. Really Bad Day
  120. Range Reports III
  121. Trap & Skeet Forum
  122. Sick of TACTICAL
  124. Required Reading
  125. 45 long colt vs. 44 magnum?
  126. Free Firearms Research
  127. Your thoughts needed...
  128. A friend in need...makes a tasty stew??
  129. Donations Wanted
  130. Another school shooting
  131. Flashlight carry
  132. Anyone using Sure-Fire Z32?
  133. Is it just me or?
  134. Y2K Food
  135. Y2K- Is it for real?
  136. AR-15 configeration
  137. Y2K - Dates to Watch
  138. Clothing for the Outdoors Woman...
  139. Posting Threads to the Wrong Forum: Please Read
  140. A connoisseur … what do you like?
  141. Promoting The Firing Line at the SHOT Show
  142. Buying ?????
  143. Oh No! Web Board Overload... Does not compute... AAaaaggghhh...
  144. advice on engine buying..
  145. Breaking in weapons
  146. Cleaning your firearms.
  147. P229 barrel
  148. MOA definition
  149. Flashlight bombs
  150. Laser sights
  151. AR-15 scope mount question
  152. MagLite lamps (bulbs) new type, brightest available
  153. Pre ban Value?
  154. Gun Books
  155. guns yes, clinton NO
  156. Does anyone know....?
  157. new message board
  158. Thin Red Line
  159. Happy Birthday Sarah
  160. Congress to vote on Internet TAX! in 2 weeks
  161. Russian Shotguns/Rifles/Pistols
  162. personal size pistol??!!
  163. 1911's for LE's
  164. Is potential germ warfare reason for martial law?
  165. 168gr HPBT----Poor Performance!?
  166. Sick of Chuck Taylor
  167. John M Browning
  168. Road Rage
  169. Guns and Bars, and Drinking while carrying
  170. Y2K: For Some, It's Here Now!
  171. Anybody ever heard of a 2520 ?
  172. Your thoughts about Sellier&Bellot ammunition
  173. "Highly likely ... germ or chemical attack" - what to do?
  174. What happened to BTI gun safes?
  175. What is an appropriate thread?
  176. Satellite imagery of your house!
  177. Off to SHOT Show...
  178. Atlanta SHOT Show
  179. SOF matches?
  180. Lawyers
  181. Safety
  182. Papal Security
  183. In Appreciation of an Engineering Milestone
  184. " Gun Gods or Guileless Gurus? "
  185. Man Shot At Gun Show!
  186. Ammunition Shelf Life
  187. Packing a heater on an airplane...
  188. Info Needed: Calico Ad in Shotgun News
  189. Terminology - Am I too sensitive?
  191. Any experience with Robar products/services?
  192. First Report from Mecca..
  193. Securing Grandma's House
  194. Best Wishes to Moderator Mykl
  195. Thanks Rob
  196. y2k test your (puter)
  197. Minutemen without guns?
  198. Y2K Weapons Suggestions, Please Help!
  199. Post Ban Value?
  200. SHOT Show: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  201. Bogus Hitler Quote I Fell For
  202. Looking for that AK47/SKS page.
  203. Weak minded folks.
  204. SHOT Show article in WSJ
  206. Nazi gun control
  207. Mykl......
  208. A question of terminology
  209. Hong Kong Police?
  210. Ranger's Last Call
  211. TFL on TV
  212. Downloadable Targets
  213. plastic cover..(saving Pvt.Ryan)
  214. Words from Mykl
  215. Lights on Guns?
  216. Sick of ULTIMATE
  217. What did your CHP cost?
  218. Interesting statistic
  219. The Firing Line's New Look
  220. Mykl
  221. "...not in Kansas anymore, Toto."
  222. What's the best gun safe?
  223. Need help on Paper
  224. 60 minutes...
  225. NRA member and /or other membership
  226. Graphics posting on TFL
  227. Worthwhile Rec.guns post on saftey...
  228. Calling all Spartans!
  229. Why not a fuel-air rifle?
  230. SIG-Sauer 245?
  231. Sig-45 orGlock45cal.
  232. HCI's idea of a safe home
  233. Fingerprint Chip
  234. Electro Magnetic Gun
  235. Wow, Where are all these new members coming from?
  236. M60
  237. Smallest caliber for ccw
  238. Nylon brushes?
  239. Austin Texas gun show
  240. ebay s*cks
  241. Ten Years Ago and Today
  242. SafetyOn software
  243. Hang fire
  244. Modern Day Gatling Guns
  245. Mel Gibson - PAYBACK
  246. American Rifleman
  247. An Interesting Movie
  248. Another poll
  249. Gun photos on the web...
  250. I need to coat my HK P7. What should I use? NP3?