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Old November 17, 1999, 08:10 PM   #19
Join Date: October 29, 1999
Location: Barbados
Posts: 28

Was in Co Springs in '92, shot at The OTC Ranges on Fort Carson. Saw some tanks and an Apache (helo) or two but never anything like that. What did you say her number was?

Shotgun grip and stance need some work, although not bad at all for a Rank Beginner. I like the fact that even if she felt apprehension, she didn't show it. Loads of potential there. Weight distribution is biased too much to the left leg which, in turn, brings the hips too far forward. This, in turn, requires the torso to be slightly too "side on" to the target. She needs to be "squarer on". If the right stance is achieved, she will be more comfortable and will progress on to moving targets more easily. I've no doubt that she is blasting the fixed targets with no problems.

The shotgun has a field grip which she is holding too high. This does not allow trigger pull to be straight back, parallel to the top of the barrels. What will happen is that every now and again, she will jerk the trigger and gun upwards causing a miss over the top.

By the way, what is that thing she's holding (the .410)? It doesn't suit her at all. It's too short and looks like it may have too much drop. Hope it's a gateway gun and that she'll move on to a real gun soon. Make sure her next shotgun is a better fit and has a full pistol grip (it helps beginners a lot).

Start her on some clays, i.e. moving targets, and see what happens. Insist that she start "gun down". That way she can practise and develop her mount (gun mount, that is).

Must admit, Coin, you're a lucky man.

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