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Old December 15, 2006, 06:07 PM   #24
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Join Date: April 21, 2006
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Just another viewpoint: Apologizing may be considered an act of weakness and entice them to revisit the situation with more bravado. If these guys are truly violent gang members then words may not suffice, in order to prove their machismo they may feel that they have to teach you a lesson.

The security cameras are a good start, and as others have said, be alert and prepared. Run the different scenarios through your head, so that if any of them come to fruition you will be more likely to react in the way you have thought about it. Think about all of the things that the SA will be looking at if you get in a gunfight and avoid the one's that will burn you, for example; no alchohol or drug use, and avoid making inflammatory statements in public...or on the net, some things have a way of coming back to haunt us.

Can your wife stay at her Mother's or a friends house for a few days? Might be good insurance and will also help your claim of fearing for your life if it comes down to doing any shooting. Just remember to act like a victim and not a vigilante.
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