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Old December 13, 2006, 06:14 PM   #12
Senior Member
Join Date: March 21, 2005
Posts: 2,181
...I'm sorry I got alittle heated.
Not cool. You carry. You must begin to learn to swallow pride more often than not, keep your cool more often than not, and pick your battles very wisely.

I'd consult an attorney regarding the complaint you describe involving the police.

As far as the rest - the next time you have an opportunity to deal with one of these punks one on one, try an apology - even if you know it's not you who should be apologizing.

These kind of heathens rarely back down as that would be considered weak by their peers. And, going in concert with that swallow your pride stuff I mentioned earlier, it may be the best chance you have to stop this before it escalates to a degree where everyone's life becomes ruined. Or ended.

It'll be hard to look at the little piss-ant square in the eyes and apologize. You'll want to do nothing else but stomp his head in with a nice pair of boots. But, remember you're trying to be the bigger, smarter man to help ensure your safety, and that of your family/friends.

By all means, if you're attacked and fear for your life or that of a loved one - do what you need to do in order to ensure your survival.
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