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Old April 19, 2024, 11:41 PM   #19
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 28,983
Our daughters can be a source of tremendous pride and sometimes amazement.

I taught my daughter to shoot with .22s, revolver and semis, and of course rifles. Worked up to centerfires after that. She did fine, but wasn't all that interested. Figured she'd ask for more if she was, she never did.

Fast forward a bit, her then boyfriend wanted to do some shooting, so we did, him, her, and me. Old fence post at about 15yds, S&W Model 28 loaded with .38s, He hit a couple times hit close with the rest. Gets her to shoot it, she does the same. He wants to try magnums, so I loaded it with some. He shot about the same, but was enthused with the blast and recoil, my daughter is working on our picnic lunch.

He says "honey, you got to try this!!" she's like "I'm busy..."
No, you REALLY got to try this!!
ok, FINE...
she comes over, takes the reloaded gun and gets really "focused". Six shots, every single one blows chunks off the post. Hands the gun back, and asks, can I go back to making the sandwiches now??
I nodded. He just stood there with his mouth open...
I suggested it wouldn't be a good idea to get her mad at him...he slowly nodded...(Proud Dad moment!!)

My daughter is one of those people who can do about anything well without seeming to try, but when she decides to really focus, she goes from competent to hyper competent about most things, and shooting was one of them.

Your daughter is her own person and will do things her own way. Sometimes suggestion is better than instruction. Sometimes, even the best advice just can't come from Dad, because you are DAD.

You mention she can't seem to "find the wall" why does she need to?? You've taught her how the gun works, let her find her own path for while. If she's getting good hits, there is no "wrong". If not, eventually she'll want to do better and seek out techniques that will do that for HER.

If you know any lady shooters, have her talk with them. Sometimes, the exact same advice, coming from someone who isn't DAD gets through better.

Good Luck!
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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