View Full Version : Gobbledy Gook - Like Wut's This Thread About??

May 3, 2014, 02:27 PM
Okay... just complaining here.;)

Why don't people use common sense when titling their threads? How difficult is it to label a thread such that folks have a reasonably good idea what the thread is about?

Titles such as "Need Some Help" or "What's This Thing?" or "This Makes Me Angry" are silly without some information to define the thread.

"Help"... with WHAT?
"This Thing"... attached to WHAT?
"Angry"... about WHAT?

Yes, one can roll over the title to read the first few words of the OP but why should we have to? Also, that doesn't always reveal what the post is about.

Rant over!!:D

Mal H
May 3, 2014, 06:17 PM
For what it's worth, I totally agree with you. However, after more than 27 cumulative years of doing this, I just shrug it off. Trust me, you are not going to make even the smallest dint in the number of posters who don't leave any clue in the title as to what their thread is about when they create it. Worrying or complaining about it will only affect you, not them.

Brian Pfleuger
May 3, 2014, 06:39 PM
I am in full agreement with both posts. It drives me crazy and there's nothing I can do to stop it. When I see an irrelevant title I usually change it, hoping the person will catch on. Who knows if it ever helps?:(

May 3, 2014, 06:39 PM
Point taken... and I know. I'm just hoping that one or two folks will change their evil ways.:)

May 4, 2014, 02:01 AM
I think some people do it on purpose. Some people probably think (and maybe they're right) that vague thread titles act as a teaser and make more people click on the thread to see what it's about.

I might not click on a thread entitled "Help Me Identify This Piece That Came Off My SIG P210", because I know very little about P210s and I know there's probably not anything I can add to the conversation. But I might click on a thread that's entitled "What's This Thing?", because it's vague enough that I think I might be able to help the OP out.

But I agree that those thread titles are super annoying.

May 4, 2014, 09:17 AM
Theohazard... I'm sure people often do intentionally make their titles vague to get more lookers. But, as you point out, it gains them little or nothing. I would attempt to, in a nice way, occasionally suggest better titles to threads but I'm sure my intentions would often be misunderstood as just being a jerk.:rolleyes::)