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Old April 21, 2012, 11:41 PM   #1
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Ted Nugent; CNN news report; hunting charge...

Any forum members know more details about Ted Nugent's hunting incident in AK?
CNN had a news item that he was charged for shooting a black bear.
I'm not sure of the background, but Nugent is widely known as a hunter & 2A rights supporter.

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Old April 22, 2012, 12:12 AM   #2
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He pleaded guilty for killing a bear after wounding another in a seperate hunt. He paid a $10,000 fine and was put on probation for 2 years and can't hunt in Alaska, or fish for one year. He'll also do some PSA's for a year regarding proper hunting. This incident occurred in 2009 while filming his outdoor cable show.

The military, or the WH cancelled a show he was to headline on a military base, because of what he said a few days ago. He's still OK in my book and being a life member of the NRA will always vote for him.
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Old April 22, 2012, 07:20 AM   #3
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Doesn't surprise me that CNN, supposedly a news source, but clearly a biased platform for promoting their own various agendas (of which Ted Nugent is very outspokenly against), sees fit to report this old news.

Hey CNN... how bout some in depth,updated media attention on something that's important and got innocent people killed rather then a bear.... Such as who's responsible for 'Fast and Furious'.

Sorry for the rant ClydeFrog, it's early, coffee's still brewing and I haven't had my meds.

gunsmoke pretty much summed things up and too, I believe there was a previous discussion here on TFL that gave more details of the event. Including not only the black bear incident but how much good Ted Nugent has done for promoting hunting, the 2nd Amend. as well as the good he's done for under privileged/handicapped kids.
Some may not like his outspoken tactics, or the fact he was not in the Vietnam War, and many(especially anti-gun/hunting people) do not like his outspoken ways, but he does not bite his tongue with anyone when it comes to promoting our 2nd Amend./pro hunting rights.
He's welcomed/had more then a few heated debates with noted anti's.

IMO, we need more outspoken people like him.
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Old April 22, 2012, 09:39 AM   #4
Tom Servo
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The story is here. Frankly, there's a difference between hunting and poaching. His actions were irresponsible, and they cast legitimate hunters in a dim light.

There's also a difference between being outspoken on the 2A and screaming frothy confrontational invective, and I wish Mr. Nugent would learn that before acting as our self-appointed spokesperson.
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Old April 22, 2012, 10:02 AM   #5
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Tom is exactly right. The NRA would do well to disassociated itself with Nugent because he paints ALL gun owners in a light that is very unfavorable at best and at worst, gives plenty of ammo to anti-gun advocates.

I'm all for being passionate about one's beliefs but you also have to be smart about how you go about reaching your objectives with maximum effectiveness.

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Old April 22, 2012, 10:40 AM   #6
Don H
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Originally Posted by shortwave
Doesn't surprise me that CNN......sees fit to report this old news.
The plea agreement that Nugent signed in which he pled guilty to a crime was filed Friday, two days ago. Hardly old news.
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Old April 22, 2012, 01:05 PM   #7
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The incident took place 2 years ago and most would consider that old news, even though it reached it's conclusion recently. Ted Nugent isn't a self proclaimed gun spokesman due to the fact that I as well as tens of thousands NRA members voted for him to sit on the NRA board. I think that would be like granting him permission to speak for many of us.

His so called over the top remarks are like music to my ears as compared to an over the top anti gunner congresswoman from NY Carolyn McCarthy. She got that job, cause her husband was killed and her son fortunately survived his wounds received from Collin Ferguson the infamous Long Island RR gunman.

People sat on that train and watched that bum empty his mag and sit down and place his gun on his lap, while reloading. What's wrong with that picture? To this day she feels no one else on that train should've had a gun to save her husband. I wonder how her departed husband would respond to that, or even her son. Other over the top anti gun examples are Boxer, Pelosi, Reid, as well as the AG, etc..

People who live in supposedly pro gun states can't possibly understand the frustration that 2nd amendment supporters feel in poisonous anti gun locals. It takes no effort for anti gunners to jump all over us. Everytime we give in a little with an excuse that we're trying to be reasonable, it's like we gave them our hand and they punched us in our mouth with it.

Ted Nugent has major testies like Col. Allen West in Florida. As far as I'm cocerned Nugent can shout his opinions from the highest mountain tops and I say Amen. People like them deserve all our support and respect. This is just my opinion with no intention to offend anyone on this forum.
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Old April 22, 2012, 01:20 PM   #8
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Sorry but I have to disagree. If a criminal pleads guilty this week to a crime that was committed 2 or 3 years ago, that's current news. Doesn't make any difference whether the crime was poaching, rape, theft or assault. The guilty plea to the crime is current and should be reported by the media.
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Old April 22, 2012, 01:36 PM   #9
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People who live in supposedly pro gun states can't possibly understand the frustration that 2nd amendment supporters feel in poisonous anti gun locals.
I wouldn't go that far unless you've wondered how many have moved out of those states, and turned down opportunities to move into those states, because we understand exactly how it is.
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Old April 22, 2012, 02:10 PM   #10
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Please, let's not get overly petty regarding the date of the incident as compared to the date of the disposition. This is just unimportant opinion, period. I think what he did was technically a violation of Alaskin Law and he certainly must abide by their decision, which he toatally complied with.

A violation of the law doesn't make you a criminal in the same sense as raping, robbing, or assaulting someone. That is a criminal act and the individual who committs that is in fact a criminal. Associating Nugent with those who committ those acts is totally unfair on your part. He's part time LE, with a class III license to possess full auto weapons and owns many examples. He's also licensed to carry concealed. As of yet I haven't heard anything about changes in his current status to possess these weapons. I envy what he does for charity.

In Alaska you can only take one animal on your license. He wounded a bear, which I assume got away. It's common in deer hunting all the time as well. It's unfortunate for the animal, but it still happens to the best of us, including myself. The one that got away from me was gotten a little ways down by my friend with a slug. A short time later I took another. Maybe I was wrong as well, but that was 25 years ago. Now that's old news.

Nugent on another hunt took a bear and Alaska felt it was his second. I disagree, but I could be wrong. That's not being a criminal. Do you believe he's ever done anything right, or maybe he's just a big screw up? You're entitled to your opinion. We're all entitled to our opinions and I'm always interested in knowing how others feel.
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Old April 22, 2012, 02:25 PM   #11
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Alloy, I honestly believe that a non resident of a state that has extreme anti gun laws cannot fully feel the sickening feeling when actually living under them. You can understand and imagine the feeling up to a certain degree, but it's like being military, or police, unless you personally experience it, then you can't fully appreciate it. I've been all over the country and have family in Texas, Florida, S. Carolina, Pa., IllinoisCaliforniaand other places, but visiting only gives me a taste and unfortunately I must remain here and that makes me disgusted.
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Old April 22, 2012, 04:18 PM   #12
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Can't believe I'm responding again to this topic, but I'm not a Ted Nugent groupy and am not familiar with all he's said and done. I enjoy seeing him being interviewed sometimes and I too can surprisingly express myself in ways to upset some people. No one's perfect, especially myself and I won't brag about things that I'm ashamed of saying, or doing long ago.

Nugent is a patriot that has been entertaining the military people and supporting their families, as well as the law enforcement fraternity. After all, he is a part time deputy.

He shot one bear too much. He paid a $10,000 fine. He can't hunt, or fish in Alaska for one year. He was given 2 years probation. He will do some safe hunting public service annoucements. His headlining an upcoming show on a military base, which was for free by the way, has been cancelled with WH blessings. All that because he shot 2 bears in a state where they run rampant and then possibly saving the lives of 2 future hikers that may have been attacked by those bears. Damn it, he deserves a medal and not deserve to be scorned. You gotta love'um.
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Old April 22, 2012, 05:24 PM   #13
Don H
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Nugent pled guilty to committing a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is a crime.

Nugent, by definition, is a criminal.

A person who has committed a crime.

If asked by a law enforcement officer if he had ever been convicted of a crime, the truthful answer would be 'yes'.

In Utah, it's possible that his permit would be revoked since he has been convicted of (pled guilty to) a crime that some sections of Utah code defines as a crime of moral turpitude; that is, wildlife violations "involving a weapon". Conviction of "any offense involving moral turpitude" is grounds for denying or revoking a permit. Whether to do such is a decision to be made by personnel at BCI.
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Old April 22, 2012, 06:04 PM   #14
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The LE individual you consulted with is very knowledgeable, but after almost 20 years in LE myself, before retiring, I made many arrests for misd violations. They are considered a violation of law. Though a misd can be classified as either unclassified, or an A misd, I have been involved with many.

A good example would be driving with a suspended license. That's a traffic misd, but lets not split hairs here. If you want to consider someone a criminal for any misd then I suggest you never invite them to your home for dinner, or have any association with them. Usually violations with guns that are considered taboo are those such as reckless endangerment where the safety of others are concerned.

If Nugent were a resident here he'd definately lose his license, but then again I'm sure you'd be happy if that happened. Here they'll take your guns for arguing with your wife. I don't think he'll have his guns taken away and if they don't take them then apparently they don't consider what he did criminal enough.

What happened to Nugent would be like you shopping at Win Dixie and mistakenly stuck 3 sodas in your shopping bag, when they were 2 for the price of 1 and walked out the store and got bagged for shoplifting. That's a misd and you committed a criminal act. Fagedaboudit, it was just a bear.
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Old April 22, 2012, 06:39 PM   #15
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I have a problem with the idea that, just because someone supports the 2nd Amendment to some extent, I'm supposed to overlook their lack of impulse control. At a concert in 2008, he took the stage, held an AR-15 aloft, and yelled "suck on this, Hillary!" The crowd went wild, the incident was widely publicized, and I cringed.

I often cringe when Nugent opens his mouth in public. His inability to muzzle his id leads him to say some truly dismaying things, and it makes us all look bad.
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Old April 22, 2012, 06:46 PM   #16
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The story is here [] . Frankly, there's a difference between hunting and poaching. His actions were irresponsible, and they cast legitimate hunters in a dim light.

There's also a difference between being outspoken on the 2A and screaming frothy confrontational invective, and I wish Mr. Nugent would learn that before acting as our self-appointed spokesperson.
You're on the money Tom. The "Madman" sounds like one and he does not speak for me. He does gun enthusiasts more harm than good with his rantings.
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Old April 22, 2012, 08:21 PM   #17
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lead by example....

I'm not a huge fan of the "Motor City Madman" but in fairness, he has done a lot for the NRA & gun owners/hunters/2A supporters nationwide.
I'd add that at 62, Nugent should have used better judgement & concern during the Alaska hunting trip in 2009. As a sworn deputy(a fully sworn LE officer), Ted Nugent(like any other badge holder) should be fully aware of the state-federal hunting laws. Double standards or being a hypocrite should never be accepted. It's like the NRA still allowing LifeLock to have print ads after the FTC(Federal Trade Commission, ) fined the company $12,000,000 for violations.
Ethics & credibility should mean something in our society.
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Old April 22, 2012, 08:44 PM   #18
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Nugent should have used better judgement on his 2010 California hunting trip related to his hunting show. As a result of that, he pled no contest to 2 misdemeanors: illegally baiting deer and not having his tag signed off. He was originally charged with 11 misdemeanors and did a plea deal with the District Attorney.

In my opinion, Nugent's hunting ethics appear to leave something to be desired.
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Old April 22, 2012, 10:11 PM   #19
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Nobody's perfect! Look back into all your lives realistically and honestly. Think real hard about how many times you've stepped over the line and could've been charged with either a misd, or fel. I'd say if not living in a monestary hundreds, if not thousands of times.

How many false statements have you given during the years either spoken, or in writing, while testifying, or putting in writing how you weren't at fault on your accident report? How many tried different drugs and weren't caught? I got a better one that no one would be guilty of. Has anyone committed statutory rape as a teenager? It's funny how many girls I went around with and never checked their ID. Being charged in a sex crime will ruin a life even without a conviction. Did anyone ever possess an illegal weapon? Ever drink while under age? I'm sure on this forum that would definately be an impossibilty.

Some may not like what Nugent has legally said, or done on stage, but those on the other side say and do much worse. He helps keep those people on their toes, while others sit in the shadows and reap the benefits.

Try being put under a microscope like him and lets see how long it takes before you're actually caught violating some law, or breaking some rules while hunting. Of course none of us who hunt would ever think we'd be charged with doing something criminal, or unethical like taking a doe without a doe permit, even by mistake.

Ted Nugent publically stands up for the 2nd amendment, which costs him financially and leaves him open to attacks. I'm not qualified to defend him like a lawyer would, but I appreciate him over so called pro gun enthusiests who haven't made a dimes worth of difference concerning gun rights. Where some are concerned there's just no pleasing.
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Old April 22, 2012, 10:26 PM   #20
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Ted Nugent publically stands up for the 2nd amendment, which costs him financially
Could you provide some evidence of that? Because that might actually drag this thread to the point of relevance.
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Old April 22, 2012, 11:35 PM   #21
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Nugent pleaded guilty to a criminal act. Tom Servo mentioned the clip of Nugent making his "suck on this, Hilary" remarks. His conduct in both of these incidents, and many others shows poor judgement at best in my opinion. I have seen him interviewed; I've heard his vitriol. He is an embarrassment to many of us who support the 2A, and he does not speak for me. The argument that we have all sinned, and the other side is guilty of more egregious tactics does not make this man an acceptable spokesman for those of us who believe the right to keep and bear arms is best advanced by intelligent, rational, and legal means. We have made real advances in recent years in changing laws and minds regarding the right to keep and bear arms. Gun waving, obscenity screaming, law breaking "rock stars" may work for some, but not for most IMO.
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Old April 23, 2012, 07:12 AM   #22
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Nobody's perfect!
Well gee, if nobody is perfect, then Nugent being a repeat offender who has broken multiple poaching laws should continue to be embraced for representing gun owners and hunters...all because he is a member of the NRA for a long time and is outspoken? I think no.

He came very close to being a felon with his Obama re-election comments.

I wonder at what point he will lose his CLEO status and truly have to put himself in the position of honestly saying that the 2nd Amendment or Constitution is his carry permit. He likes to say that now, but in reality, since he is a reserve deputy, he has LEO status and gets to carry across the US.
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Old April 23, 2012, 08:05 AM   #23
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The story is here [] . Frankly, there's a difference between hunting and poaching. His actions were irresponsible, and they cast legitimate hunters in a dim light.

There's also a difference between being outspoken on the 2A and screaming frothy confrontational invective, and I wish Mr. Nugent would learn that before acting as our self-appointed spokesperson.
Agreed. Of course if he didn't scream frothy confrontational invective, would anyone remember him?

However, in my opinion, institutions/more serious politicians like the NRA or Romney that involve themselves with him make a serious mistake. Your mileage may vary.
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Old April 23, 2012, 08:50 AM   #24
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for all of the rabid nugent supporters i suggest you do a litlle research on your hero. it's as easy as doing a little search on the internet.

when nugent could have been a patriot he chose to be a draft dodger. all the details are on the net, look them up.

he was a young fool that has turned into an old fool. the only thing that has remaind the same is he has always thought he was above the law. from dodging the draft to his poaching crimes in california and alaska which were all used to make money for himself he has a lifelong history of thinking he is above the law. he was a one hit wonder that learned that the only way he can keep his name in the public is to be a loud mouth fool. from his documented poaching to further his tv show to his foolish displays with his fully automatic weapons he is neither a role model for ethical hunters or serious supporters of the 2nd amendment. ted nugent is not a leader in these areas he is just a selfish person out only to make money for himself while hiding behind the military that he dodged, the political party that he hated and the nra selfishly just to protect what he has and to hell with everyone else.

people should really pick their heros more carefully.
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Old April 23, 2012, 02:10 PM   #25
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Dalegribble, Rabid? Rabid gribble? Why that's a lot of dribble, gribble! I guess you're the war hero here aren't you gribble? You seem so angry and unhappy in your little world. Nugent poaches and I like poached eggs. How in the world am I supposed to take someone with your attitude serious?

You don't know who my heroes are, or if I have any. As far as calling me rabid I think that's something you should say to a person's face when you're not hiding. Too many people typing at their computers while in their jammies are not what they present themselves as. Guess you're one of THOSE who have no use for classIII weapons in the hands of anyone other than military, or police. Did I make the wrong assumption? It sure makes me feel good having you watching our backs to make sure our 2nd amendment rights are being protected.

Ted Nugent's free concerts are not free for him. He's paying for his band, roadies, equipment, food and lodging for all. This of course doesn't include the personal donations that he wrote checks out for and last, but not least his time, cause time is money. That shows it costs him to do what he does.

I'd love to see who people think would be a great fighter for the 2nd amendment in place of Nugent. I like Tom Selleck, but he never debates, or is even seen unless it's a photo op holding a rifle. How about Charleton Heston? Sorry forgot he can't speak any longer. Well, anymore suggestions are welcomed. Oy Vay!
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