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Old April 3, 2012, 05:31 PM   #54
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distance, CC shootings, ammunition selection....

I disagree with a few points here.
1) Factory made JHPs are far better than standard or milspec FMJ rounds. The fact that many people are killed in combat with FMJ type ammunition is moot.
Ammunition or volume of fire with small arms(pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, etc) was not an issue in full combat. Private citizens like armed professionals must account for EVERY round fired in a critical incident.
2) Distance is a factor for armed citizen use of force incidents. I agree that most incidents with CC or armed citizens are 0 to 3 feet BUT you might need to fire at a armed subject from long ranges too. They are rare but can occur.
One well known lethal force incident took place in WA state where a USAF SP(security police now called Security Forces) shot his issue M9 duty pistol at a spree shooter armed with a AK-47. The young SP arrived on the scene in a hospital parking lot & engaged the violent subject. He was able to fire a 9mmNATO round at a documented range of approx 89 yards.
3) I always advise gun owners or concealed license holders to only use factory rounds not reloads or hand-loaded rounds for duty or defense uses.
It's better in court or a after action criminal investigation/ME inquest if you can show you used the same type of handgun rounds sworn LE or federal agencies used. As widely known, most jury members, media reporters or lawyers are not; "gunners" or fully understand firearms/ballistics.

I could go on about this subject but will close by saying a responsible gun owner or license holder would use common sense & good judgement.
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