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Old December 20, 2012, 01:05 AM   #1
Quick Karl
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Join Date: June 10, 2008
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
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A Philosophical argument for the repeal of Second Amendment


There is no way the authors of The Bill of Rights could ever have imagined semi-automatic firearms with 30-round magazines, they were talking about single-shot muzzle loaders for hunting only, therefore The People should NOT be allowed to have semi-automatic high-capacity firearms...


There is no way the authors of The Bill of Rights could ever have imagined the Internet, Internet **** easily viewed by children, Rap music replete with its glorification of murder and its degradation of women as whores, Hollywood movies that glorify killing, or video games that may subliminally program people to kill (subliminal messages in TV advertisements was outlawed in the early 60's)... They were talking about only what you could say or print and distribute in the small communities and churches you were a part of.

Therefore, we should repeal BOTH the First AND Second Amendments, because the Founders were fools with no foresight whatsoever.

Furthermore, we should repeal Miranda Rights, and the Right to an Attorney appointed and paid for by the State if you cannot afford one, because it is paranoid and foolish to think that a Law Enforcement Officer, Prosecutor, or Judge (the State) would EVER violate your rights...

It's amazing how few people today comprehend these simple truths!
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