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Old October 30, 2013, 03:27 PM   #19
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Jetfires are not made for half cock carry. They have inertial pins, which exist solely to allow safe hammer down carry. Half cock, for all the reasons previously explained, is extremely dangerous with the Jetfire and most other pistols.

Bill was saying that there are some guns that have special reinforced half cocks BECAUSE they don't use inertial firing pins. I've never heard of that, but it is possible. However, what someone in 1930 thought was drop safe strong may be wishful thinking.

On the subject of wishful thinking, a pistol is a triangle formed by the muzzle, butt and hammer spur. If dropped it will likely strike either of the two sides or three corners. That's more like a 1 in 5 chance, not 1 in 10,000.

Unless you know specifically that your pistol is designed for half cock carry (which is quite rare), it is ignorant and negligent to carry a pistol like that. Really dangerous.
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