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Old December 31, 2013, 05:15 PM   #29
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You can keep more in your vehicle.

But I have seen the fire chief, aren't they all fire chiefs?, come into a gun store and each time find a violation of too much powder. They never do anything.

This is like the difference between the 1989 Bush ban and the 1934 gun control act. There is a world of difference between felony to manufacture and felony to poses. I see violations of the former and none of the later at every gun show.

The powder limit, NFPA495-85, is fire prevention guidelines, not felony to poses.
The word 'forum" does not mean "not criticizing books."
"Ad hominem fallacy" is not the same as point by point criticism of books. If you bought the book, and believe it all, it may FEEL like an ad hominem attack, but you might strive to accept other points of view may exist.
Are we a nation of competing ideas, or a nation of forced conformity of thought?
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