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Old January 21, 2011, 11:34 AM   #16
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Kozak6. Training is paramount, but doesn't mean that one shouldn't optimize the likelihood of a hit under stressful circumstances by their choice of ammunition.

Rob228. That is my somehat my thought; ther utilizion of a load delivering the greatest spread commensurate with adequate stopping power; not to say that bird shot delivers adequate stopping power.

Isn't the needs for maximal aiming (pointing) skills is reduced to a degree by spread; not to neglect the need to achieve sufficient stopping power along with avoiding over penetration. Moreover, many do not have the time or resources to devote to maximizing their firearm skills, especially in a limited amount of time. Some are unable to achieve a high degree of targeting proficiency due to factors such as physical limitations. What are they to do to increase their ability to hit the bad guy until they can acquire maximum skill shooting skill and should a threat present itself a few days after their purchase of a weapon, they still need to put the threat down even if they only had the opportunity to put a modest amount of shot down range.

Also keep in mind the fact that, mistakenly or not, some only acquire a weapon upon learning of the existence of a real threat and the inability of law enforcement to do a great deal until the threat is acted upon, which may be too late. Under such a scenario, the individual may have to deal with a BG before they have the most minimal target time. (Especially given my state's 10 day waiting period from the time of purchase until the weapon is released to you.)

This is not to say that I am advocating bird shot and I am leaning to something not much smaller, if smaller, than 00 buck.

Last edited by TheKlawMan; January 21, 2011 at 11:55 AM.
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