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Old August 11, 2001, 11:16 AM   #146
Rich Lucibella
Join Date: October 6, 1998
Location: South Florida
Posts: 10,229
Here's some feedback on what we have so far:
"Weapons and Tactics" is the name of a newsetter published out of Las Vegas. While there is no Trademark issue here, there may be a problem with USPS regarding the name....all publications must be registered with them.

"The Firing Line" is appropriate for our web's conjures up the image of a training session...and that's what TFL was designed to do. However, it's simply not eye catching or descriptive enough for a print magazine. Additionally, "Firing Line" is William Buckley's publication, so the same USPS issues exist.

"Tactical" Anything is a non-starter for personal reasons. I don't mind the word "tactics", but "tactical" has come to be used for everything from folding knives to vests and is sysnonymous (for me) with the word "wannabe"....I hate the word in it's overused state. "Tactics" is descriptive; "tactical" is no longer so.

"Firearms Professional": I like this imagery, though not the actual words.

The magazine requires an action title, though not a spec-ops title. Examples of such words, though not appropriate for the magazine title are things like:
"Stress Fire"
"Line of Fire"
"Under Fire"

Again, this is all a matter of taste, but I can't emphasize enough just how important a publication's title is. They've been known to make or break magazines.
S.W.A.T. Magazine
Weapons, Training and Tactics for the Real World
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