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Old February 7, 2014, 02:24 PM   #39
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Which made all the difference, b/c the first thing I learned was:
1. I know nothing about pronghorn.
I'm used to hunting deer and elk. When you spook a deer or elk, yeah, sure, they'll run a bit (elk a bit farther), but then they stop. Pronghorn will run around a hill and then keep going for another half mile as a reaction to a mildly uncomfortable feeling. Prong horn hear a car? Run for half a mile. Hear a butterfly fart? Giddyup for half a mile. My guide (60+ years in the ranching business) was completely nonplussed by this. "Heck, they're not even scared," he said. "If they were scared, they'd kick in the jets and be 5 miles down the road." Ok, note to self: spot and stalk is not gonna happen today.
Going with a friend or guide that knows the behavior of the animal is decent advice.

Doing a little research on the animal beforehand has helped me in the past. But when it comes to hunting any big game, field work is very important so that you don't have to take long shots. On my first pronghorn hunt, I also felt that sub 300yd shots were impossible, but like deer, you can get close to pronghorn if you want. It just takes a little more patience because pronghorn are very perceptive.
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