Thread: Coyote Threat!!
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Old February 28, 2013, 07:19 PM   #2
Join Date: December 24, 2008
Location: Ohio
Posts: 78
We have a blujillion of those up here. They are usually almost no threat to humans, cattle, horses and most dogs. Sheep, puppies, cats, basically anything smaller or dumber than them are considered food.
We hunt them at night with a call box similar to hunting fox. They can also be trapped, hunted with dogs(most effective way but need well trained dogs) or you can just sit and wait for them to show up in an active area. They are very smart. They can hear and smell you from distances far enough away that you never know they were there. Surprisingly, throwing meat out near the fence would probably be a red flag to all but the youngest most desperate of Coyotes.
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