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Old December 13, 2009, 10:02 PM   #12
Lost Sheep
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About the neighbors (both allies and potential threats)

Originally Posted by boykinhntr
I live in a very nice quiet neighborhood with very little crime. HOWEVER, my neighbor's son is broke and knocked up his girlfriend so they moved back in. I am positive he is selling dope out of the house. I contacted the police and they had no interest in persuing this. I have been told he is a meth addict wwhich scares the crap out of me bc these are the craziest most desperate people on earth. There is now trash over there at all hours of the night. I have expresed my concern to the neighbor and he assured me his kid is good. But I watch cars pull down the street with their lights off and honk. He will come out and get in the back seat for about 2 minutes and leave. This happens 10-15 times a day with different cars.

Now, THAT is scary.

If he is selling, he may be cooking, too. If he is cooking, 99 44/100 sure everyone in the house knows it on some level (but the ability of parents to enter a denial state has to be seen to be believed). Cooking brings a plethora of dangers to the neighborhood.

If the police have no interest, maybe the local prosecutor would, and he/she is in a position to direct the police's attention. If not the prosecutor, the city assembly, city manager, Mayor, whoever is atop the executive administration of your town, city or whatever local government. County or State if no municipality. Find out who your elected representative(s) is(are) and make sure they know who you are. Be nice enough that they would come over to your house for a cup of coffee some evening. Show them videotape of the goings-on. (Taken sub-rosa, of course. I am not suggesting you become a detective of any kind.)

If you can, without bringing notice to yourself (yet), collect a list of license plate numbers, dates and times. See if any are regular repeats. Very regular repeats might be a supplier making deliveries.

If public officials still aren't interested, cull your local newspaper for a reporter who covers crime stories in a manner to your liking. Talk to that person. Alternatively, go down to the paper and have a sit-down (make an appointment-it's only polite) with the editor (city editor if there are subdivisions). If the paper is locally owned and the owner is approachable, introduce yourself and ask the owner to suggest who to talk to. Having that as an introduction adds a quantum of weight to whatever you say to the editor. Don't waste it, but don't beat him up with it, either. This is also tactical.

Does your neighborhood have a Neighborhood Watch program? Google the phrase.

Try not to attract attention to yourself. With a new family, there is no need to expose a high profile. But do get to know your other neighbors. They may be noticing the same things you are, but have not reached the conclusions you have, yet. They are your allies (hopefully). Make notes to yourself which ones are 1) unfavorable to your alarm 2) unconcerned ("sheeple" or perhaps in denial) 3) favorable to your alarm and 4) possible active allies in your campaign to keep your neighborhood clean and safe. If nothing else, property values are at stake. If he is cooking meth there, there is real danger of 1) explosion 2) fire 3) hazardous waste. After meth labs are discovered, the cleanup is something to behold. People is full haz-mat suits removing wallboard, insulation, flooring, sometimes entire structures. All bagged in plastic, too.

If you are downwind of a meth lab, your son is at risk. (OK, this may be alarmist.) Have you noticed any chemical smells?

Ask your local pharmacies if they have a program watching for large quantity buys of Sudafed (one of the ingredients of Methamphetamines). If this kid or his girlfriend are buying large quantities, they are cooking. If not at home, somewhere else. But their baby is definitely at risk for being poisoned.

This issue goes way beyond physical security of your home, so maybe does not belong in this forum by strict interpretation. But I thought it important enough to post, and apologize later, if necessary. The question does blur the lines between Tactics, Strategy and Policy.

This post does suggest you enlist your neighbors into your wider circle of defended perimeters.

Lost Sheep

As always, use your judgement. I have no idea of the details of your situation. Feel free to ignore, adapt or modify my advice as it fits your situation and your strengths, assets, liabilities, etc.
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