Thread: Guns and Lead
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Old March 16, 2024, 01:19 PM   #26
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
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Also keep in mind that the heavy restrictions on the use of leaded gasoline, and other uses of lead have reduced blood lead levels dramatically in the U.S. They are currently around 15x lower than they were back in the 1970s.
This makes me question some of the claims of the "no lead at all, ever" camp. However, doing so would make me guilty of the fallacy of logic that they use.

My initial thought was "if kids today have 15x lower lead levels, why aren't they 15x smarter??"

Until a thought a few seconds longer and realized that would be using the same "if A, then B" logic comparing two isolated data points and nothing else.

The dose makes the poison.
This is a KEY POINT. And, it applies to everything in this world.
one could substitute "lethal" or "hazardous" for "poison" and it would still be correct. Pick any substance you want, too much (or not enough) and you die.

The best practice I know for limiting exposure to hazards is ALARA. As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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