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Old August 21, 2016, 11:19 PM   #1
Metal god
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Savage model 99 take down trigger . Please help

Hello . I have a model 99 250/3000 ( 250 Savage )that I believe was manufactured in the early 1900's , somewhere in the teens . It's very used lets say . It's stock has been broken and repaired as well as someone drilled holes in the receiver for a scope mount with what looks like a hand drill . So although old and kinda cool . Not really worth much .

My issue is I believe the trigger is worn out . My cheep trigger pull gauge says it's at about 1 pound . That seemed way to light for a trigger pull of that type of firearm . So I took it to a local gunsmith here in San Diego and he confirmed it's right around one pound . I asked him to do what he could to get it up to at least 3 pounds and I'd prefer 4 pounds . He said He'll take a look and see what he can do . That was 19 months ago and he's still not got around to it . At the time I knew he was very busy and understood it could take as much as a year to complete . Now that we're pushing 2 years I'm going on Thursday to pick it back up .

This brings me to my question . What do I need to do and or get to give this firearm a stonger trigger pull . I have some mechanical aptitude so if I could I'd like to give it a try and fix it my self . How ever if you guys feel the firearm is rather complex or I'll need some high end specialty tools . I'll just take it to another gun smith .

Any help or ideas is appreciated

Thanks Metal
If Jesus had a gun , he'd probably still be alive !

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