Thread: A Fox, Hunting
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Old December 17, 2013, 10:18 PM   #15
big al hunter
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big al, if his finding the mouse's location is a function of hearing, how would the sun's glare affect his success?
The fox hears the mouse, looks at where it should be, aims at his target an jumps. He can't hit the spot in the snow accurately with a glare in his eyes.
Why would north vs. south matter?
My point exactly. If he is using magnetic polarity why would direction matter?
During winter months the earth sits on it axis so that the sun is south of the equator, thereby creating glare from the south, and a significant lack of glare when facing north.
Bats are predators and are basically blind. So are moles. Whales, porpoises and dolphins hunt by echolocation
Agreed that they have sonar built in. If the fox had sonar, or aimed by hearing, he would not be vastly more effective in one direction. The only explanation, in my mind, is sun glare.
You can't fix stupid....however ignorance can be cured through education!
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