Thread: Crow Eating?
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Old March 30, 2010, 10:10 AM   #17
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Join Date: February 16, 2006
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Get a owl statue, place it in a field on a fence post, wait, them crows will attack the owl you can shoot them crows
Good start but now make a Y-shaped harness out of coat hangers and run it up the backside of the owl. At the two top ends, attache short wire leaders or monofilament lines. Then attache a small trebble hook to each and position just behind and above the owls ears. All H*LL will break loose when a crow gets stuck and he calls in every crow in the county. At this point, shotguns are in order. The most important point is to be in full camo and position yourself away and well hidden. Usually I call one "Scout" in and watch for him. I shoot him and start in on a distress call. I don't over-call as they can hear you a mile away. Just sit back and enjoy !!!

wild game recipes
Not a problem and just use the good old stand-by:
Breast out about six crown put them in a roasting pan. Dump a can of Cambell's cream of mushroom soup, add some sliced onions and bake for 2hr's at 350Deg. F.
Try it and if you don't like it then you wil know that your shouldn't have cooked them in the first place. ....

Be Safe !!!
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