Thread: Edward Snowden
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Old January 2, 2014, 07:48 AM   #24
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Join Date: March 2, 2010
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They may not have the ability now but give them 10 years and they will. Snowden sounded the alarm early on in the game.
25 Years ago would maybe have been early in the game, this is very late in the game. As the "Slippery Slope" goes this is already a growing oak.

This was done in the name of fighting terrorism, one of the sad things is this program will only catch the amatures and probably few of them. The professional's who we really need protection from have known about this for years. I remember a Gene Hackman movie from the 80's maybe early 90's that was mostly about this very thing.

I am thinking we will be electing officials for years who will be campaining on this very thing to do something about this but something will never happen. To get the Lottery in Texas they justified it saying it would fund our schools so it passed. Then it was revieled that the money actually went in the general fund and not to schools. Politicians for years campained to give Lottery proceeds directly to schools but it never happened. Why actually do something when you loose a campain talking point.

Holiday's over!! I gotta get ready for work.
“Government does few things well but it does them at great expense” Cal Thomas “When Government Can’t Be Trusted” 6/11/2013
When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; When I am stronger than you, I take away your freedoms because that is according to my principles. Frank Herbert "Children of Dune"
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