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Old August 13, 2001, 06:23 AM   #12
Senior Member
Join Date: April 17, 2001
Location: Farnham, Va
Posts: 2,183
That's indians.
Oh, you got those around you too?

The 'indians' around here do that too. Amazes me though. They seem awfully white and overweight for indians. They're usually pretty environmentally unconscious and unappreciative of their game's lives, for indians, too.

The tribe around here in Va is called 4x4drivindoghuntinlazybastard. They have a fairly simple, decipherable language.
When speaking to them in their native tongue, I will usually ask something like this: "So..uhhh, how many deer you git this year?" In their native tongue they will reply something like, "I got me 26 tenderloins. Ida got me more, but friggin Molly had a bum leg. Slowed di resta di dogs."
TRANSLATION: "I had my dogs run down 13 deer and drive them within 50 yards of my truck so I could shoot them and not have to drag them far. I still didn't want to drag them, and I didn't want to get my $26000 4-wheel-drive dirty, so I just sliced out the tenderloins and let the rest of the carcus rot in the field. Molly, my lead dog, was hurt, but I ran her anyway. She usually gets me 20 deer, but she messed up the rest of the pack with her bum leg. I think I'll shoot her after hunting season."


Needless to say, I have no respect for the local deer dog-hunting population.
Right turn, Clyde.
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