Thread: New FNH FNS-9
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Old February 15, 2013, 10:39 AM   #21
Join Date: February 2, 2013
Posts: 48
my FNS's

I need to send a thank you letter to the clown (Obumba). Got my taxes done and actually getting a decent return. Paying off my credit card, which means Uncle Sugar is going to pay for both my FNS's. He's squeeking, but in essence, he's buying me both guns. How kewl is that?
I have a friend that is a gunsmith, confirmed .45 guy, but said he's never actually handled an FNS. Took em both over and he shot them. Then gave him a ride to town. The other 3 the dealer got in, was already gone, but my buddy is heading to the gun show in Reno this weekend, with FNS on his mind. He too loved it. He wants the .40...said Uncle Sugar didn't treat him as well. Said he wished them in a .45, but liked them well enough to live with a .40. He's serious enough he ordered a holster last night......
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