Thread: KelTec PMR-30
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Old December 27, 2013, 05:43 PM   #21
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Is there anyone that has any tangible insight as to why Kel-Tec has, to this very moment in time, never even come close with production to come anywhere near the demand this pistol has generated since it was unveiled?
As I understand it:
KelTec is privately owned by a family that has more money than they know what to do with. The founder is more interested in making prototypes than mass production. It is his company and he has come up with some great designs so I won't fault him. There has long been periods of shortage for their SU-16 and SUB-2000 models. It never seems like there is an abundance of heir pistols around either. Now they added the KSG and PMR into the mix and they are nowhere near being able to meet demand. Last I heard KSG has a decade of production pre-ordered. In the last few years they have planned to double their facility. Some of that is done some of the construction continues.
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