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Old January 1, 2013, 05:49 PM   #11
Sharpsdressed Man
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Join Date: June 21, 2009
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Grant Cunningham makes his living off repairing Colts. So much so, that he has to turn down work and is booked years in advance. Does that tell you that there are a lot of Colts that need "maintenance," as he calls it? I think Colts are artistically beautiful, but not the workhorses that S&W's , and particularly, Rugers are. Buy a Ruger and get an action job. I cock my guns very slowly, and do a slow double action pull, also, for a fine let off. Colts, after firing a lot, just do NOT lock up when they are supposed to after prolonged use. I do not like the idea of a revolver going off before the cylinder is locked in place, and not all shots can be fast double action pulls to THROW the cylinder notch into the bolt.
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