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Old June 11, 2009, 04:42 AM   #3
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Join Date: March 7, 2009
Location: South East Queensland, Australia
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soon, you will only be allowed a pocket knife if it has a plastic blade and no longer than a 1" blade.... :barf:

Here in Oz, switch blades are a no-no and I believe 3" or 4" is the maximum length of blade allowed..... thanks big brother!

I know getting on aeroplanes these days, you cant even take your pocket knife at all.... in fact, my SWMBO has lost a couple of pairs of hairdressing scizzors at the airport check in, they are dangerous weapons, hairdressing scizzors! Last time I went on a flight, I had to snap the nail file off of my fingernail 'nippers'.... evidently the 3/4" nail file attached to the nippers could also be used to bring down the plane :barf:

I knew things like this are bad over here in Oz, I can't believe they are pulling this BS on you guys in the US now (well, I can believe it if it is California we are talkin' about), but in the rest of (the real USA) I find it amazing.

You guys need to watch out your laws regarding guns & knives dont get overbaring like over here.... keep your eyes and ears peeled for your 'protective/over protective' political groups pulling all this BS behind your backs!
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Last edited by Al Norris; June 11, 2009 at 10:31 AM. Reason: Corrected invective.
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